Friday, April 22, 2011

Like Mother Like Daughter

My mom loves holidays. She loves decorating and cooking for any and every holiday. I definitely inherited this trait. I am always thinking of how to decorate or thinking new things we can do to get ready for the next Holiday. Kase is 3 and if you ask him what holiday is next and he always knows because we have either been shopping, decorating or talking about it. This year I wanted to do something different than just dyeing eggs like we have in the past. Some of our friends had just had their second child and we decided to have them over for dinner. They have a little girl that is Kase's age and they get along great. I decided this would be a fun night to try out some of the new ideas that I had found. Each of them made scuba eggs. They were adorable. They required a lot of help from us but the kids really liked them. Thanks to the dads they also made edible carrot gardens. Hannah did not like her carrots but Kase had not problem adding them to his garden, he loves gummies.
I found both of these fun ideas out of my familly fun magazine that I subscribe to.

We also hosted our Sunday School classes Easter picnic. Each family came packing their picnic basket and blanket. We enjoyed sitting with our families on our blankets on a beautiful day surrounded by friends that we love and are seeking the Lord together. The kids ran and hunted all of their eggs then stepped aside for the adult hunt. I love celebrating the holidays with my family and friends.Thanks mom for instilling these family values into us, I hope to do the same to my children. As much fun as the Easter bunny, dying eggs, and carrot gardens are I am most proud of Kase for knowing the real reason that we celebrate Easter. He has been learning about the death and resurrection of Jesus and loves to share it with others.

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